Tuesday, October 16, 2007
ok i admit it . i'm not cut out to be the blogger type. so no cheap claim to fame for me i guess?
argh, you know, this is my last week of working. i'm going into army next friday!!!
it's cool, cos i'm PES C. ('C' for Chao Geng) so i don't think i'll have a hetic NS life. but i guess it'll be a mundane next 2 years of my life! You see, i have yet to comprehend the fact that i would lead regimental life for the next 2 years. TWO YEARS!!! I'm so not going to be used to it. but then again it's just me. i'm adaptable to change. I'm like a cockcroach, throw me anywhere and i'll just live there and spring out on you when yoyu least expected, resulting in being smacked my a roll of newspaper.
oh well, i bid an early farewell; all my bloggerfriends ceased blogging ever since they entered the army so well, so should i. BYE!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
mental block mental block.
happy birthday Alvina...
you know, i really have nothing to blog about.
yeah, i just came back from Thailand a week ago...
koh phangan.
and yup quite a few amazing stuff happened in my life. but i don't feel the urge to blog.
OK, this entry is so stupid.
so i shall end with a song.
"Iiiiiiiii. can give you gatsbyyyyyy... gatsbyyyyyyyy gatsbyyyyy........'
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
it's all over, again.
sometimes i wonder, whats wrong with me.
why does one not take me seriously?
thank god i got a group of friends that still be lieve in me.
but i hate the condesending tones they carry when they talk to me.
relationship wise, I have not had one since 4 years ago.
I realise that i just do not make the cut as the guy.
why? i don't know why.
maybe i sould chage my ways, what ways?
i'm too embarressed to amit them ; even if people point them out to me.
i'm ment for bigger things. i know.
but there seem to be some character in me thats kinda preventing myself from getting there.
I have an inner child in me that's here to stay.
thats struggling to grow up,
that sulks everytime i need to get something done.
that get naughty and out of control.
this child is angry.
this child is desperate
this child is sick of being cooped inside me.
this child does not want money
this child does not care if i'm fat of lazy.
this child just want to play
he just want to sleep.
he just want to do crazy stunts that can get me killed.
he's my innder child,
he's my alter ego
he's mr hyde , i'm dr jekyll
This child WANTS OUT!
i really hate that feeling in me. i hate it.
as stupid as it sounds, as much as i don't believe it and much that i won't amit it,
i hate love. and being in it.
cos i never get anything out of it.
people just sail away after some time.
no point waiting.
no point sending meaningless smses.
always onesided.
just when you think that everything's gonna get lucky and better on your side,
you realise that it's all gona crash down upon you.
have you ever get that sinking feeling?
the feeling that makes you sink lower
and lower
and lower...
and lower...
and lower...
and lower...
and lower...
and lower
and lower
and lower
and lower
and lower
and lower...
till, you drop.
have you ever got it?
Monday, April 09, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
This is TODAY's newspaper's Article on Start stop DJs in Singapore.
As a novice DJ myself, I somehow don't agree with the article.
Yes, Beat matching and mixing may be widely known as the "entry" level and "criteria" for being a Disc Jockey, but crowd reading is very important too!
You talk about DJ competition Winners and successful DJ labels in Singapore not being ever noticed because the limelight has been stolen by start-stop DJs. Let me tell you, if those talented Djs are so good, Do something to out shine others, there's no point sitting there whining about your defeat by a 17 year old punk!
Come on, it's not like you were not 17 years old before, if they can shine at 17, why couldn't you?
Take for example, 2 Retro DJs,
One DJ that mixes well, beat matching and all,
and a Mambo jambo DJ From zouk who can read the crowd but limited to only start stop mixing.
Who do you think has better control of the crowd?
Yes you can mix and beat match well , but You'll eventually stink as a DJ if you don't have proper song selection.
It's ultimately The Crowd on the dance floor that judges Who the good DJ is.
not the Bpm counter.
2pm - 10pm
theriverwalk 20 upp Circular road.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
meet my funky friends... although they might irritate you abit...
Poddy Castty2 Chris and Friends
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
hahah like every typical blogger, i guess i need a pod cast stay tuned for more!
1- Dasiy Dasiy- michell plays ping pong
2- Mylo feat. Gloria Efferson - Drop the pressure
3- David Guttea vs. The Egg - Walking away (love don't let me go)
4- Justin Timberlake - My Love (polkerface House Mix)
5- Justin Timberlake - Sexyback (polkerface House Mix)
6- Justin Timberlake - Sexyback (Dirty)
yup thats all.
Monday, February 12, 2007
20 years have passed, and now what?
Ever since january 2006, i have not updated my bank passbook. Thus, POSB sends me a monthly printout of my daily transactions and a consolidated amount that will be added to my pass book. It obviously rises everymonth and i happily saw it grew without give any second thoughts about it.
This month, however i noticed how outrageous the amount was : $29,852.89
No, that's not the amount of money i have in my bank. (much that i wished it is)
That was how much money CAME IN and went OUT of my bank within one year.
Looking at that, i realised how much income i can actually generate.
30k a year.
how many people, with families, actually earn 30k a year? thats like $2000 a month plus bonus! The point is, I still only have a norminal sum of money in my bank.
It never rose. always stayed a norminal sum for the pass year.
Though i have the ability to generate good income, i happen to spend it all. and know what? i have no idea where. I look around the assets i have.
I don't have 20k worth of stuff.
I don't look 20k richer.
but this money came. was mine for a while. and dissapeared without a trace. imagine. I had decided to be prudent and saved half of what i earn, which is not hard to do, i would have 15k in my bank and i'm a happy 20 year old man. seems like a sad but familliar story? I doubt i'm alone. Singaporeans are generally not rich people. Yes we do earn a fuck load of money compared to cambodia and somalia, but we don't have a good sum of money in our reserves. we don't have savings. not much anyway. this is a bold statement, considering the fact that i don't really know many rich people.
But, I once, on my friend's advice, went around ATMs on the island picking up transaction receipts.checking how much savings singapoean have.
alot receipts says "$2.79" "$9.85" "$3.45" ok thats sad. but i must not forget that they may belong to students.
The proper oes that look like they have savings range between $2000 - $8000. I've only picked up(dug out) one or two that has amounts more than 10k. you might argue that people who are rich will keep or destroy their receipts to hide their fortune.or they put all their money in fixed deposits, generating higher intrests.
yeah thats true, but look at the number of nominal savings!
Take a look at our roads. there are alot of mercedes, volvos, bmws. foriegners may think that singaporeans are really rich "wow so many luxuary cars!" most of them are owned my companies. not the people driving them. ok, that might not be a problem the rest of the cars, it's listed as "private owners" do you really think that the people own them?
No, the bank owns them.
90% of the car owners pay installments, and if one fine day, they get retrenched... or sacked, they have no income to pay for their car, so the car gets taken away by the bank. it sucks. most of us can't afford a car.
think of it, machine price + COE + insurance/year + road tax/year + Season Parking/month + normal parking fees + ERP + PETROL + Inspection fee/year + Maintainence/year + Fines + radio tax = ALOT of MONEY.. and you get to keep the car for only 10 years. god. but why do all singaporeans still bite their lips and become slaves to their assets?
matter of face. and probably we are born this way.
Point being, i shall start to save. Save as much money as i can. I've stopped splurging. being as ngiao as i can.
and but only useful stuff.
3 ways to turn mediocre money into a lump sum.
1. don't spend your plastic notes. save them
2. Money in your Wallet is considered gone. try not to draw so much cash. everytime you have no cash in your wallet, you will fell poor and 'sian' and head home, not spending any money.
3. Everytime you wanna buy something useless or one tat is for purely cosmetic reasons. e.g. a can of coke, sweets, chocolates, cigaretts, beer...etc ,You take out the amount of money that the item costs, place it some where else, like in your bag or the back of your wallet. and pretend that you've bought and consumed it. because these items only gives you instant but short period graffitication. after that you will be like "fuck! $1.80 well spent". Imagine the amount of money you can save. it's hard, yes yes... but it's worth it.
I'm now trying my very best to follow these laws to finacial freedom.
the more you save at the earlier part of life determines how rich you are in later life. the money you have know will multiply 10 folds, 100 folds, 1000 folds. so, instead of buying that packet of cigaretts next time, remember that it can always turn into a car that does not get owned by a bank.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Oh, for those Of you who don't know, Yeah, I'm a smoker, not really though; It's the cigarett that smokes. I'm just a Sucker at the end.
Okay, I did not smoke that much anyway.
okay this is what triggered me to stop sucking on that sweet cancer.
Smoking: Not Smart
According to research findings released in 2004, smokers and former smokers did not perform as well on tests as nonsmokers. Four hundred sixty-five subjects had taken a test that measured cognitive ability in 1947 at age 11. They took the test again between 2000 and 2004. Based on the results, smoking appeared to cause a one percent drop in cognitive function. A possible explanation for this correlation is that smoking-related lung damage caused less oxygen to reach people's brains.
Source : http://www.howstuffworks.com/genius1.htm
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm living an extra 3 months.
I'm not supposed to be free now, and it seems that i'm living on borrowed time.
You don't know how it feels like to prepare for a whole new life, and realised that it's being postponed.
well, this experience changed me alot.
I felt renewed, reborned.
I have a new hair style, a new identity.
I start to think differently.
I become more "fucked up"
I start to use the word "I" more.
these 3 months Are mine to treasure.
I begin to realised how fucked up some people can be. Or how realistic.
It suprises me.
but at the end of the day, I realise that maybe, it's just me.
or the way i do things, the way i talk, the way i potray myself.
woah, people like these can really get on your nerves. I happen to be all of them.
I can't change the way I am.
Cos i subconsiously still behave in my weird manners.
all i can do is to..
Friday, January 12, 2007
OMG, I'm feeling down. Not only I'll be enlisting late, but i might have to serve 2 years in the army. argh.2 years...
All beacuse of my friggin broken toe.
I went down To Pulau Tekong, like everyone else , head shaved, Big bags, solem face.. Whats diffwerent is that my Toe is all wrapped up. I was asked to see the Camp Medical Officer, Who actually gave me a 12 week rest period. Wth, I don't need 12 weeks! But he told me that I would be enlisted, and will be out of course and re-course 3 months later. but this will not affect my ORD date.
But when i went back to the enlistment centre, i was told that the company won't accept me! and i was returned my Pink IC and Not enlisted. argh!
so i'm trying to get down graded to Pes C, so i don't need to do any shit for Army.
I'll be Going down to CMPB for another Checkup to confirm my PES status and see weather i'm fit enough to join this batch.
if not, i'll be Trying Music & Drama Company as a soundman and DJ or SAFRA radio power98 as radio presenter or sound engineer. yup.
good luck to me!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Alright, The new year is here. for 7 days already. Happy Birthday DOM.
and in around 4 days time, i'll be finding myself in and island offshore singapore, shaved bald, get shouted at and lose all my freedom and even my identity. Nope, i'm not going to Jail.
I'm going into the Army.
Tekong BMT!
well, i don't know if my experiences will be any different from everyone else but, i'll try to have as much fun yeah.
I don't know if it makes any difference cos i'm Pes A and posted to Enhanced Leadership BMT. That means my service term is only 1 year and 10 months. sounds nice, but doesn't that mean i'll have to go through more shit? aye...
Hopefully, i'll get slelected into Officer Cadet School. well, $1000 a month, sounds great to me.
or either that , i don't actually mind being a segeant. well, at least the camp is damn near my place!
well, as for being a private, or 'man'. I'll make sure i downgrade. cos i've gotta fractured toe.
my friend bryan said "fuck the amry, it gonna take my friend away from me"
"and how would they do that? i'm still chris, and i will be"
"Trust me chris, The army will change you"
sounds scary.
well, this is making me really nervous about whats gonna happen to me.
I've lived 4 years of freedom. regimental life is gonna get me.
and it's gonna get me good.
I'm gonna be 21.
I'm not a kid anymore
now i'm officialy obliged to be matured. well, sounds like a ball of fun.
well, so, army, here i come
when i'm 21,
hope i'll have fun,
not a pun.