This is TODAY's newspaper's Article on Start stop DJs in Singapore.
As a novice DJ myself, I somehow don't agree with the article.
Yes, Beat matching and mixing may be widely known as the "entry" level and "criteria" for being a Disc Jockey, but crowd reading is very important too!
You talk about DJ competition Winners and successful DJ labels in Singapore not being ever noticed because the limelight has been stolen by start-stop DJs. Let me tell you, if those talented Djs are so good, Do something to out shine others, there's no point sitting there whining about your defeat by a 17 year old punk!
Come on, it's not like you were not 17 years old before, if they can shine at 17, why couldn't you?
Take for example, 2 Retro DJs,
One DJ that mixes well, beat matching and all,
and a Mambo jambo DJ From zouk who can read the crowd but limited to only start stop mixing.
Who do you think has better control of the crowd?
Yes you can mix and beat match well , but You'll eventually stink as a DJ if you don't have proper song selection.
It's ultimately The Crowd on the dance floor that judges Who the good DJ is.
not the Bpm counter.
2pm - 10pm
theriverwalk 20 upp Circular road.