Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OMG, it's like 6785402567506245702345623470 years sice i last blogged a post.
ok i admit it . i'm not cut out to be the blogger type. so no cheap claim to fame for me i guess?

argh, you know, this is my last week of working. i'm going into army next friday!!!
it's cool, cos i'm PES C. ('C' for Chao Geng) so i don't think i'll have a hetic NS life. but i guess it'll be a mundane next 2 years of my life! You see, i have yet to comprehend the fact that i would lead regimental life for the next 2 years. TWO YEARS!!! I'm so not going to be used to it. but then again it's just me. i'm adaptable to change. I'm like a cockcroach, throw me anywhere and i'll just live there and spring out on you when yoyu least expected, resulting in being smacked my a roll of newspaper.

oh well, i bid an early farewell; all my bloggerfriends ceased blogging ever since they entered the army so well, so should i. BYE!