Sunday, October 10, 2010

PP2 Self assessment :Sonic profile, Sonic Exploration.

Throughout the course of PP2, I've definitely Learnt alot.
Some of these things I've learnt are academic and some of them are life skills and some stuff i didn't even expect I would learn!

I started out with confidence, thinking and knowing that I can kope with any situation with regards to Audio. Though my diploma trained me in Studio and recording sound, I worked in the Live sound field mostly; seldom touching the process of studio sound.
But, I was confident.
over confident.

Confidence can be a good thing, but when you fail to perform to your own expectations, it can be devastating.
I hate to blame it on equipment but i got no choice but to blame the zoom H2 and the dynamic mic i was issued. well, the fault was entirely mine as i could have put in more effort in booking out equipment that i'm more comfortable with, but instead, i was relaxed with the equipment as i was confident of my skills to use any equipment to record good sound. the one thing i've learnt is to not be over confident.
I should step back abit, take my time to access the situation and tighten loose ends.

My strengths are that I can produce content fast. solve problems fast.
but sometimes in that speed, i create more problems to solve.
Thats the characteristics of live sound engineers, to fix problems within a short period of time and to create a good show at face value, whereas a studio engineer's job is to nick pick at the very fine details to produce the finest job.

Lucky for me I realized it in time for sonic exploration. I believe I grew in the process of learning , to produce content that has a deeper meaning than just technical work.

After all the emotions and trail and error, I manage to produce a piece that had good reception from the class and Robbie. Taking in the advice of everyone and applying it to my work,  I believe that my work has touched the essence of this course.

This project means alot to me. Not only do i want to get a good grade and pass all the criteria of this project, I'm using this as a platform of self exploration and as a learning journey. I want to produce something that i can keep. something that is different from my other work. and this has motivated me to an extend.

Looking at fellow student's work, they all impressed me to a certain degree, how they put in ideas and methods that i would never think of in a million years. How they could grasp the intricacies of sound editing in such a short period. I am inspired to learn more and explore more.

Right now I'm still at the process of fine tuning the Sonic Exploration piece, and together with michelle and her unrestricted methods of doing things, I believe I've achieved what i've set out for. The goal of this piece is within sight and i'm proud of what i've done.

I would give myself a 8/10 for this course work. a HD.  judging from the effort i've put in and the emotions i've gone through and the feedback i've had from fellow students. Most importantly, from what i've learnt. A good project means nothing if i don't learn anything out of it.

thank you!

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